Venue Dashboard
The dashboard gives a quick overview of the social login trends, venue location on the map, number of guests online, average usage time, and data consumption.
Guests - Visitor Trend
This graph shows Guest usage statistics for the past 30 days.
Guests - Login Types
This graph shows the total number of guests, and the login options they selected to connect to your network
WiFi Users Demographic
Male vs. Female guests and the platform they login from.
Current online users with number of visits
See who is currently using your network, their gender, and how often they visit your venue.
Easily collect, measure and share your guest data
Guest Total Presence
This graph shows the total number of guests connected to your network and visitors who have been around your space.
Guest Presence Activity Heatmap
Up-to-date Guest WiFi data in a simple and easy-to-use dashboard that can automatically collect guest profile information.
Detailed Guest Report
New vs. Returning Guests